Located on S. Harrison St. and E. Mexico Ave., off of Colorado Blvd and I-25. The Building name is Denver CenterPoint II (taller building with Tuff Shed at the top).
Free 2hr Parking:
Park at the CenterPoint II parking garage. Enter visitor parking and get a validation ticket. Make sure to bring your parking ticket to your appointment, so your therapist can validate your ticket for you for free 2hr parking. Park in visitor parking spaces on any level and enter the building and take the elevators to the 3rd floor, suite, 301, is right off of the elevators labeled Family First Counseling, LLC.
Please wait in the waiting room. The waiting room is a quiet space. Please be mindful of noise as you are in the waiting room, as there are sessions in process. Your therapist will meet you in the waiting area for your session. Please call, text, or email your therapist, if needed.