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Let's Get Started.

We provide individual, family, parent, and couples therapy to children, adolescents, and adult clients. We also work with separated or divorced families, providing support for co-parenting. We use play, art, and talk therapy with children and adolescents, which includes the family and ecology of the client. We use a lot of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to help shape behavior. We approach couples with the Gottman Method to improve connection and communication, and repair trust.

Reunification-Reintegration Therapy / Terapia de Reunificación-Reintegración

Parenting Coaching & Skills / Entrenamiento y Habilidades para Padres

Co-Parenting Therapy & Support / Terapia y Apoyo para la Crianza Compartida

Anger Management Therapy / Terapia de Manejo de la Ira

Social and Academic Counseling / Consejería Social y Académica

Health & Wellness Coaching / Entrenamiento de Salud y Bienestar

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